Yes, January is half over, so I’m a little behind, but here it is, my three words for 2021.
Since at least 2016 (that’s as far back as my records go), instead of making New Years’ Resolutions (which, let’s face it, never really stick unless you’re some kind of superhuman). So here we go:
Precision: my dear guitar teacher Ted Dunbar (1937-1998) used to say, “do everything with quality, and everything will be just right.” Sometimes I’ve found that I will kinda sorta work on a task at hand, because I’m strapped for time and think, “ah, I’ll just get through this as quickly as possible – what difference does it make?” And you know what? It makes plenty difference. Whenever I rush through something, there’s always more work to be done on the other end, and that goes for all aspects of life, be it business or personal.
Completion: if I had a nickel for every book I started and didn’t finish, or every piece of music I’ve started writing but abandoned…since I’m stuck at home anyway, I’m using this sheltering-in-place to finish things that I’ve started. Stay tuned.
Attention: goes along with precision and completion. It’s staying focused instead of being distracted. It’s amazing how even with all of this time at home, I’ve found that I often don’t give everything my full attention; it’s an interesting observation. I still find myself running around like a chicken with its head cut out (only it’s within the confines of my NYC apartment which means a lot of pacing!)
The wonderful Janelle Reichman of Ellanyze says this about transitioning into the new year in this blog post where she encourages us to write down five things that went right in 2020. So here we go:
- Did a major overhaul of my right-hand guitar technique (which is a huge deal for me)
- Started sewing again and made over 100 face masks for people (and counting, because I’m still making them!)
- Learned how to make sourdough bread (who didn’t?)
- Started recording Bach Chorales on guitar and bought a silly wig
- Organized my books (and read a lot of them!)
What are your three words for 2021? I’d love to hear about them.
Janelle Reichman says
Amanda, you truly made the best of what was a very difficult year and I find you so inspiring! Thank you for sharing this 🙂